Applying for Summer School

We are now taking applications for 2025 Brecht & Epic Theatre.

Applications Process

Applications for the Ufton Drama Summer School are generally made available from August the year before the start of the next course. We are now taking applications for 2025 Brecht & Epic Theatre.

Applications for the 2025 course should be submitted by the end of January 2025.

It is important that you complete your application fully and pay particular attention to your personal statement (see below).

The staff meet shortly after the applications deadline to discuss the students who have applied and make a formal decision on those applications that have been successful. 

Applicants are advised whether they have been successful or not by the second week of February. Acceptance on the course is confirmed via payment of a non-refundable deposit. You can find more information about the payment process here

Advice on Applying for Summer School

Some years can be more competitive than others and the staff are face with a difficult task at deciding on which students should be invited to attend the course. In order to give yourself the best chance of an application being accepted we would recommend that your personal statement includes:

  • Full details of your current education experience and studies including whether you have completed applicable GCSEs, A-Levels or a degree subject.
  • Information about any relevant skills of experience.
  • A concise but well-considered statement of why the staff should consider you for a place on the summer school. It is useful for us to know what your expectations are for the course as well as how you found out about us but you should pay particular attention to selling your talents, personality and charm. Feel free to be as expressive and creative as you like but do make sure we get to know about YOU.
  • Once your application has been received, you will be contacted for a photograph. Make sure you have a good one ready to go as an application will not be considered without one.

Costs of Summer School

You can find full details of our current prices here along with further information about financial assistance in the form of a bursary. 

Application Form

If you would like to submit your application online then you can do so using the form below or by contacting us for a paper application and sending this to us using the address on the paperwork.

If you are having issues with submitting your application then please contact our Course Manager via

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