Ufton Drama Summer School

Having been running for more than 32 years, we have an alumni of over 500 students, some of whom have offered their words of encouragement in our testimonials section. As well as established actors, screenwriters and playwrights we also have a fair few drama teachers and parents in our family of ex-students.

Information for Students
It can be quite daunting for new students coming to a residential course for the first time. To try and help give you a feel for the course, we have put together some information based on frequently asked questions which you might find useful.

Information for Parents
You can find detailed information on the Students Information and Teachers Information pages about the Ufton Drama Summer School works and how it fits in with KS4 and higher-education Drama and Performing Arts.
We have also included extended information specifically designed to answer the common questions that many parents have.

Information for Teachers
The Ufton Drama Summer School offers gifted and talented performing arts students the opportunity to work with some of the most skilled drama tutors in the country. The courses are offered in a four year rotation and are well linked to KS4 as well as A-Level examinations.
You can find out more about how the summer school can offer extended learning opportunities for your students in our Teachers Information section.